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three things that are inspiring me

When I first started this blog, my goal was to have three core topics that my blog would be centered around. Fashion and beauty were the obvious two topics -- but I struggled with the third. So much so, that this is my first blog post about my third core topic. And..... I started this blog in April. :) LOL!

For those of you that don't know, I love to read. Not the kindle type of reading, but a good ole' hard back, paper copy book reading. When I was in college, I would read one book a month. There is so much out there to learn and I felt this was the best way for me to learn it all.

So when I was consulting with another blogger babe about my core topics, my love for reading came up. I didn't think my followers would be interested in reading a book together, so I crossed it off my list. And then I had my ah-ha moment. Reading doesn't have to be a book - it could be a news story, an article, a facebook post. And then the next question - why do you read? I read because I want to be inspired.

So - here is it babes .. every month, I am going to be sharing three things that are inspiring me.

1) Senator John McCain -- I was at a concert when the alert came across my phone telling me that Senator McCain had passed away at the age of 81. I will admit that I never agreed with the things McCain would say but there was one thing that I could agree on - our love for the best country in the world. He spent almost 6 years as a prisoner of war and over 30 years in politics. He literally spent his entire life dedicating himself to our country. Although he is gone, I know his legacy will live on - and that is inspiring to me.

2) Mark Manson -- I am in the middle of Mark Manson's "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" and I have to say ... its probably the best book I have ever read. I am ALWAYS IN MY HEAD. Mark has inspired me to give more f*cks about less and has helped me figure out what I want to give my f*cks on.

3) Team Fox -- I have been a Team Fox member for over three years now. I ran a half marathon in Disney World (and it was the most fun ever), helped plan uber successful 5k's, and much more. Over these last three years, I have met some AMAZING people - and they are do-ers - they are truly, 1000% dedicated to finding a cure to parkinsons disease. They are running the Chicago Marathon, they are running every single damn day and raising money through Charity Miles. I am sad that I have to skip the 2019 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend but these people have me INSPIRED to find another way to make a difference.

What is inspiring you this month? Are you struggling at finding things that inspire you? If so, I am challenging you to find some new surroundings, read (yes, read everything you can), unplug from social media.

Until next time.



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